Dinghy sailing
Sailability Tasmania holds a variety of dinghy sailing events in both Hobart and Wynyard (see Sailing Locations for more details).
In Hobart we race our Hansa class 303 dinghies every Sunday excluding winter when it becomes fortnightly (see our Calendar for specific dates and times). We welcome anyone who would like to sail including those with little or no experience who can go out with one of our regular sailors to learn the ropes.
In Wynyard Casual sailing in our Hansa class 303 dinghies is held on Saturday mornings for anyone learning or just wanting a fun sail without the pressure of competition. Racing takes place during high tide mostly out in Bass Straight off the river mouth. For specific dates and times go to the Wynyard Yacht Club Facebook page.
Annually either Hobart or Wynyard host the Tasmanian Hansa Class Championships, a large event that gives Hansa sailors of Tasmania, regardless of their affiliation with Sailability, an opportunity to compete with past national and world champions.
Yacht sailing
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